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The Woodward Financial Advisors Blog

This is Normal Thumbnail

This is Normal

Even a financial planner with 20+ years in the business blinks when the stock markets experience a correction. We would like nothing better than to always have smooth, upward-trending returns, but that is not the nature of markets and long-term equity returns. To steal the title of the blog we are going to share with you, “This is Normal.” This blog gives us a little historical reminder that helps put the idea into context ...

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Should I Still Be Investing in International Markets? Thumbnail

Should I Still Be Investing in International Markets?

My first job in financial planning started in 2000, at the end of the bull market of the 1990s and you guessed it after the dot com bubble burst! What followed that burst was about ten years of underperformance of the U.S. vs. International stock market. However, currently the US Stock Market (S&P 500) has been outperforming the Broad International Market (MSCI World ex USA) for thirteen years. These fluctuations are normal and historical data shows that different markets often take turns leading in performance.

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What I See When I Watch Basketball Thumbnail

What I See When I Watch Basketball

There are many reasons to love spring - the temperatures are warming, the flowers are blooming, and the daylight is getting a bit longer each day. Oh yeah, and college basketball's March Madness is in full display (especially here in Woodward's home office on Tobacco Road where the Triangle area of North Carolina has three teams still competing in the Sweet 16)! Speaking of basketball, we think you'll enjoy this timely piece by the CEO of Dimensional Fund Advisors, David Booth, as he talks about what drives the stock market, using March Madness as the backdrop.

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3 Common Investing Mistakes Thumbnail

3 Common Investing Mistakes

Many people start out managing their own investments. But as their earnings and assets grow, their financial needs and challenges become more complex—and continuing to go it alone could prove costly in terms of investing miscues. Consider three common mistakes that can reduce returns and increase anxiety ...

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The 2024 Presidential Election and the Stock Market Thumbnail

The 2024 Presidential Election and the Stock Market

When faced with uncertainty, we understand the natural human reaction to worry. An example of uncertainty in 2024 is the upcoming Presidential election. Our political elections in the U.S. have become very polarizing, with each side thinking that if the other party wins then our country (and economy and stock market and you name it…) will crumble. So, is that a reason to worry?

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New Year, Same Discipline. Thumbnail

New Year, Same Discipline.

As we start this new calendar year, for many it’s the time for resolutions, predictions, and all sorts of other January traditions. There are those resolutions that we can all agree seem like good ideas – exercise more, eat healthier, go to bed earlier, read more books, etc. You know the drill. And then there are the predictions that may seem like fun, and even bring out one’s competitive spirit, but at the end of the day just really don’t matter.

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