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The Woodward Financial Advisors Blog

Is This Time Different? Thumbnail

Is This Time Different?

This is a common question when things seem volatile in the world, and we know there is a chance you’ve asked yourself this recently. You are not alone. The issues of the day are complex but the answer to your question may be somewhat simple – yes AND no. Every situation and scenario of the time is slightly different than those of the past, so in this regard, yes, it is different. But at the same time, no, it is never different because markets work over the long term based on fundamentals and those don’t change ...

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The Evolution of Quantity into Quality  Thumbnail

The Evolution of Quantity into Quality

Last year, when I turned 50, I decided it was time to get more serious about my fitness. My athletic days were long behind me, and after years of prioritizing my family and career, I realized that my personal physical health had taken a backseat to life’s other priorities. Thus, I made a commitment to change, but at the same time I knew I would need some help with a plan ...

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Where, Oh Where Are My Tax Forms? Thumbnail

Where, Oh Where Are My Tax Forms?

It’s early February, and by now you’ve likely received a (seemingly) random assortment of tax documents to share with your preparer. How do you know what forms you’re missing, how to obtain them, and when they’ll be available? This annual tax dance can lead to frustrations and potentially extra costs if you file prematurely. We’re here to help you solve the problem of two left feet ...

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Building Momentum: Small Steps, Big Impact  Thumbnail

Building Momentum: Small Steps, Big Impact

As I look back on last year, I am reminded that progress doesn’t always mean perfection. Some goals were met, others evolved, and a few remain a work in progress – but each contributed to my personal and professional growth. This process of reflection not only highlights the progress I have made but also inspires me to keep growing in the year ahead.

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